6. Some Tips

6.1. Use destroy() wisely

To delete one record.


is better than

user = User.at(2).getone()
user.destroy()  # this queried 2 times

The same tip with update:

>>> user = User.at(7).getone()
>>> user.name = 'ANewNAme'
>>> user.save()  # if you just want to update this row
>>> User.at(7).update(name='ANewNAme').execute()  # this way is better

6.2. How to count result rows

Don’t count select results this way:

>>> users = User.getall()
>>> len(tuple(users))

But use result.count instead:

>>> result = User.select().execute()
>>> result.count

6.3. Use SQL functions shortcuts

If you just want to know how many rows are in table user, just count, don’t do a select query:

>>> User.count()  # clean and fast
>>> query = User.select()  # if you just want to count table `user`
>>> result = query.execute()  # this way is BAD
>>> result.count

6.4. Test if an except record is in the table

Is there someone called ‘Jack’ in database?

>>> jack = User(name='Jack')
>>> jack in User

6.5. Use python object directly in queries

Type mapping is handled by db connectors, we can use python objects in queries directly, and needn’t to cast data to string format in advance.

For example, insert one record(column update_at‘s type is datetime):

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> Post.create(name='hello world', user_id=1, update_at=datetime.now())
<models.Post object at 0x1081e21d0>

With sqlite3, this column is selected as a string:

>>> Post.at(1).getone().update_at
u'2014-05-23 22:56:10.686144'

But with MySQLdb/PyMySQL, this column is selected as a datetime object:

>>> Post.at(1).getone().update_at
datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 23, 23, 5, 57)

6.6. Change Database

To select a new database, use Database.change(db_name) instead of Database.config(db=db_name), because when with mysql, the latter will close the active database connection and the former needn’t.

6.7. Put all models in one script in your app

When we are building web apps with skylark, it’s good to pull all models into one script.

in models’ file: models.py:

import sqlite3
from skylark import Database, Model, Field, PrimaryKey, ForeignKey

class User(Model):
    name = Field()
    email = Field()

class Post(Model):
    name = Field()
    post_id = PrimaryKey()
    user_id = ForeignKey(User.id)


and in other scripts :

from models import User
query = User.select()  # etc..