7. Exceptions

7.1. SkylarkException

There was an ambiguous exception occurred within Skylark.

7.2. UnSupportedDBAPI

This DBAPI is currently not supported.

7.3. PrimaryKeyValueNotFound

Primarykey value not found in this instance.

example, when id not selected, and skylark dosen’t know which row to update:

>>> query = User.at(1).select(User.name)
>>> result = query.execute()
>>> user = result.one()
>>> user
{'name': 'jackx'}
>>> user.name = 'amy'
>>> user.save()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "../skylark.py", line 1103, in save
    raise PrimaryKeyValueNotFound

7.4. SQLSyntaxError

SQL syntax error.

7.5. ForeignKeyNotFound

Raised when the bridge was not found between two models to be joined.